Install instructions
This app is meant to be executed locally within your home network: no extra attention was paid to security regarding external attacks or access management. You can however put it behind basic auth and/or other restrictions via either nginx or apache , use your own local VPN , or a SSH tunnel .
Since version 0.30.0 you can enable basic auth within the app via the basic_auth field in Menu > Tools > Settings .
1. Initial installation
You can do a local installation or use a docker image : they are functionally equals however the local installation can run external programs installed in the same system (like a file manager, terminal, image editor, ...) but the docker image cannot.
1.1 Using docker
# download image
docker pull ryogachan/djmngr:latest

# run image
docker run --rm -ti --name djmngr \
  -p "3000:3000" \
  -v /path/to/db:/app/storage             \
  -v /path/to/library:/app/dj-library     \
  -v /path/to/epub:/app/public/epub       \
  -v /path/to/thumbs:/app/public/thumbs   \
  -v /path/to/samples:/app/public/samples \
Then visit http://localhost:3000/ .
1.2 Using docker-compose
# download image
docker pull ryogachan/djmngr:latest

# download and customize docker-compose file

# edit port/folders in compose.yml, then:
docker compose up -d  # start app in background
docker compose down   # stop app
Then visit http://localhost:3000/ .
1.3 Local installation
# install prerequisites
apt install coreutils findutils grep zip unzip \
  libkakasi2-dev libsqlite3-0 sqlite3 p7zip-full nodejs \
  libvips-dev libjpeg62-turbo-dev libpng-dev webp imagemagick

# install optional tools
apt install mcomix thunar xfce4-terminal

# install ruby (you can use RBENV, RVM, or system package)
curl -sSL | bash -s stable
rvm install "3.X.Y"  # you can use a version >= 3.0.0

# clone repository
git clone
cd djmngr

# install gems
bundle install

# run database migrations
RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rails db:migrate

# run standalone server
./bin/server p -static
Note: If you don't have set a github RubyGems registry personal access token you can alternatively add the variable PHASHION_USE_GITHUB_SRC to the last three commands in order to fetch gem sources directly:
PHASHION_USE_GITHUB_SRC=true bundle install
PHASHION_USE_GITHUB_SRC=true RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rails db:migrate
PHASHION_USE_GITHUB_SRC=true ./bin/server p -static
On the first run wait a moment for assets compilation to finish, then visit http://localhost:39102/ .
Note: It is recommended to run the server with ./bin/server p behind a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache because they are better at serving many static files (e.g. take a look at this project's nginx.conf file).
2. Post installation
3. How to update
3.1 Docker
Just increase the image version tag or pull again the latest tag then run it, database migrations will run automatically.
3.2 Local installation
git pull        # update sources

bundle install  # update gems

# run database migrations
RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rails db:migrate