Available APIs
If you have configured the basic_auth field in Menu > Tools > Settings then remember to set basic auth headers on your HTTP request.
1. Translitterate string to romaji
GET /ws/to_romaji ?s=xxxxxx
  • s = string to be translitterated
Response: text/plain
  • content with the translitterated string
2. Download image into a dummy processing archive
GET | POST /ws/dl_image u, n, t, s, r
  • u = url pointing to an image to download (can also be an E-Hentai page link)
  • n = destination filename
  • t = destination folder (archive name)
  • s = XxY|Xx|xY , downscale image to this resolution while keeping its aspect ratio
  • r = set HTTP Referer header to this value
Response: application/json
  • the result of the download operation:
      "result": "ok|err",
      "msg": "eventual error message"
  • visiting /process you will see the newly created archive
3. E-Hentai aggregated search
GET /ws/ehentai ?term=xxxxxx
Scrapes the first E-H index page filtered by term then queries its API to get supplementary informations.
  • term = search string
Response: application/json
  • an array of results, example:
        "gid": 1234567,
        "token": "aa11bb22cc",
        "title": "Entry title",
        "title_jpn": "",
        "thumb": "https://...",
        "filecount": "123",
        "filesize": 45678910,
        "posted": "2024-01-01T00:01:01.000+00:00",
        "site": "source-website",
        "url": "https://...",
        "title_clean": "tokenized title",
        "title_jpn_clean": "tokenized title"
4. Web App Manifest share_target actions
POST /shared_content_receiver text, url, images[]
This one is a multi purpose endpoint that's called when a mobile user shares something to this web application.
Only one parameter per request will be used in order of priority as shown in the list below.
  1. url , or text starting with http
    = url pointing to an image to download (can also be an E-Hentai page link)
  2. text = string to be translitterated
  3. images[] containing multiple files
    = inject files to a dummy archive
  4. images[] containing only one file
    = perform a search by cover image on collection
Response: text/html
  1. operation outcome with a link to the dummy archive
  2. shows both source and translitterated strings with "copy to clipboard" buttons
  3. operation outcome with a link to the dummy archive
  4. redirects to /doujinshi/search_cover